Whether you are looking to improve your home before selling it or you simply want to enhance its curb appeal, you should prioritize roof repair as part of your home upgrade.

Here's why.
Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal and Value
A well-maintained roof assures potential homebuyers that the property has adequate protection against the elements. Furthermore, it can keep potential buyers from using your roof as leverage to drive down your property's price. If you want to make the most of your sale, make sure your roof is in excellent condition before you add your house to real estate listings.
Benefit From the Lower Costs of Repairs
Repairing minor issues in asphalt or cedar roofs is generally more affordable than having to replace them unexpectedly. Minor damage can get worse after a storm, so it's vital to have your roof inspected and repaired following a weather event. By having timely roof repairs, you can avoid larger expenses and prolong the lifespan of your roofing.
Take Advantage of Lower Insurance Premiums
Well-maintained roofs may qualify for lower insurance premiums. By keeping your roof in excellent condition, you may be eligible to receive the full benefits of your insurance policy. If you have a neglected roof, your insurance company may use this as a reason to pay you a smaller amount or, worse, to reject your claim.
Avoid Early Roof Replacement
Neglected roofs have shorter lifespans, meaning they require early roof replacement. If left unchecked, roofs with leaks and water damage won't reach their maximum service life. Their wooden structural components may also be weakened, compromising other parts of your home.
Hershey Exteriors, Inc is a shingle roof installation contractor known for high-quality services and superior customer service. To schedule a consultation with our experts, call (302) 569-9039, or fill out this contact form.
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