Because asphalt shingles are economical and work with a range of architectural styles, this roof covering remains to be the most popular in the United States. Here are five essential tips for selecting new colors for your asphalt shingles.

- Consider the climate. To a certain extent, shingle color can affect the indoor temperature of your home, though other factors such as insulation and ventilation should also be taken into account. Generally, dark-colored surfaces absorb and retain heat whereas light-colored surfaces reflect it.
- Factor in the color palette of your exterior. To create an eye-catching appearance, the color of your roof should coordinate with your exterior's overall color composition. For instance, red brick houses match well with deep gray, dark brown or even black shingles. Light gray residences, on the other hand, appear smart and sleek with dark gray roofing. Beige homes work beautifully with blues, greens and other warm-toned shingles.
- Get large samples. Do not select shingle colors based on colors on a computer screen. Go to a showroom or get large-sized samples to see the color on your roof in the light.
- Aim for variation. Homogenous shingle colors can easily look flat and uninspired. You want shingles that offer a slight variation in shades to give your exterior some dimension, but not too much that your roof looks like a checkerboard.
- Take a look at your neighborhood. If no color - warm or cool - is particularly striking to you, take a brief stroll around your neighborhood. Choose shingle colors that go harmoniously with the dominant roof colors around your home.
Hershey Exteriors is a certified residential and flat/low slope roofing contractor in Delaware. Our professional team is proud to offer top-quality products, excellent workmanship and competitive prices. You can get in touch with one of our roofers by calling (302) 569-9039 or filling out our contact form.
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