Roof leaks can be frustrating to handle. Nevertheless, they must be addressed promptly to minimize water damage and preserve your roof’s structural integrity. While you might think your homeowner’s insurance will cover the repair costs, that’s not always the case. Most roofing problems are covered, but with notable exceptions, including wear and tear. Here's why.

Preventable Roof Damage
Your roof is exposed to the elements every day, causing it to take a bit of damage. The cost of repairing leaks resulting from wear and tear isn’t covered by insurance because roof deterioration is a part of its aging process. Moreover, this particular issue can be easily prevented with proactive roof inspection and maintenance. Keep in mind that insurers view maintenance as the responsibility of the homeowner. When you fail to fulfill such expectations, any damage caused by roof wear and tear is excluded from coverage.
What Your Insurance Will Cover
Residential roof repair is covered by your insurance policy if the damage is a result of an event or circumstance that is out of your control. It means that roof damage caused by the impact of a fallen tree and wind-carried debris is included in your insurance. Your policy’s property coverage may also cover repairs or replacement if the resulting leaks reached the indoors and damaged your belongings. Insurance coverage for hail and wind roof damage, however, isn’t included in some policies, which means it has to be bought separately as an add-on.
Taking the Necessary Steps
It pays to be aware of every detail written on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Once you’ve confirmed that your roof damage is covered, your next step would be to hire a local contractor like Hershey Exteriors, Inc. We specialize in repairing all types of damage, including wind-related damage that impacts your roof and compromises the structural integrity of your home. Aside from this, we can also guide you through the entire insurance claims process. Expect us to help you get the fair compensation you deserve.
Count on us for your metal roof installation and asphalt shingle roof replacement needs as well. Call (302) 569-9039, or fill out our contact form to schedule a free estimate.
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